Key Threats
Overview of the Three Key Threats
Starting Point on the System
Potential Type of Attack and/or Key Threat
Potential Negative Impacts (Risks)
Risk Rating
Appropriate Defenses/Security Controls
Architecture - PropScreen in relation to all other systems
Tampering, Info Disclosure, Denial of Service from Insecure Software in PropScreen
Unauthorized data disclosure
Privacy policy violation
PropScreen Failing Open
Develop software in accordance with the OWASP Developer Guide (focus on section 5, especially input sanitization and supply chain management)
Asset - LLM
Denial of Service, Cost Running Attacks
Service degraded or failing for other users
Organization incurs unnecessary and wasteful cloud computing costs
Implement rate a limiting module for the requests made to PropScreen
Implement a size limiter on the maximum response size allowed by the model (covered by AWS)
Asset - Client LLM Application
Spoofing, Tampering, Info Disclosure, Elevation of Priv, leading to unauthorized access
Unauthorized data disclosure or data theft
Privacy policy violation
Implement a User Authentication Module before a user has the ability to interact with PropScreen
Last updated