Use Case 2 Logging of Interdiction Events

Below is a high level sequence diagram to illustrate how the second use case of the logging of interdiction events that occur in the first use case occurs. The numbers on the sequence diagram will correspond to the more detailed description on this webpage.

Sequence Diagram for Second Use Case, Sensitive Information Interdiction (Click to Enlarge)
  1. Use Case 1 Occurs - In order for a log entry to be created the first use case must occur, once PropScreen has made the determination on the model response it will save the event to the Interdiction Logs database.

  2. True Negative Logged - If the PropScreen determined the LLM response to be a true negative (Use Case 1 Sensitive Information Disclosure Interdiction Steps 1 - 9) then the log entry is saved as a true negative.

  3. False Positive Logged - If the PropScreen determined the LLM response to be a true negative (Use Case 1 Sensitive Information Disclosure Interdiction Steps 1 - 7 & 12-13) then the log entry is saved as a false positive.

  4. True Positive Logged - If the PropScreen determined the LLM response to be a true negative (Use Case 1 Sensitive Information Disclosure Interdiction Steps 1 - 7 & 14 - 15) then the log entry is saved as a true positive.

  5. Error Logged - If an error occurs during Use Case 1 then the event is logged with an error.

  6. DQ Query - Security Analyst can query the Interdiction Logs database to review the logs of the scanning and interdiction events.

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